
Randy Orton arm tattoo design

Hello Everyone,

Some guyz are really crazy about their role models and they want to copy exactly everything.
some like the dress style, some like hairstyle, the body and the physical structure, the lifestyle, and everything else,

well in my case, mostly customer comes up with their role models tattoo.

as being a tattoo artist, you have to face all these things and you cannot ignore it. Customer first and the customer is always right.

we still give them lots of advice on designs and give them 1000 choices, but these things really don't work with some people. 90% of the customers agree and decide to change the picture and always in search of a best option, remaining 10% ,we called it a stone head. they stick in one decision,

well this is one of good symbol of how strong you are how strongly you believe in yourself.
anyway, back to business...

this week i am doing a Randy Orton arm tattoo design, which is a tribal armband,

the design is ready and waiting for the client to arrive.
after i finish this tattoo, i will post it here, so, keep in touch for the result of randy orton arm tattoo design.

P.S > Randy Orton arm tattoo design ( if you want the original design, please leave me a message. i will attach you through email)
whatsapp > +6289506097205
InstaGram : @luckylamztattoo

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